Chad is in his final year at UofT and is studying History after a brief (3-year) flirtation with Architecture. He enjoys playing sports, writing and long walks on the beach. No, but actually, he's from the tiny twin island state of Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean, so he really loves beaches. He also loves puns.
Hi Chad,
I noticed from your bio that you had a brief love affair with Architecture. I was hoping I might be able to leverage this past passion and gain your support in promoting the OTS Student Design Challenge!
The competition, hosted by Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS), with the support of Ontario Association of Landscape Architects (OALA), aims to inspire the creative use of recycled tire products and ecological design in preserving and restoring urban environments. In addition to gaining access to diverse landscaping practitioners and industry professionals, as well as cash money (winner gets $3,000), students will be given the opportunity to implement a winning design at Toronto’s Evergreen Brick Works. In the sustainability community, this is a pretty exciting prize because Brick Works has become a landmark for urban sustainability.
Because U of T has such a well respected Landscape Architecture program, and because we have already has a number of team from U of T enter, I know this is an opportunity students are excited about.
I was hoping you might be able to help me promote the event. I want to go beyond just putting up posters and sending an eblast through a listserv. I am looking to use social media – blogs, Facebook, Twitter – to connect with the creative and inspired students at U of T.
Take a look at the Challenge website – http://www.otsdesignchallenge.com. If you think you think this might be something your readers would be interested in, please contact me.
Many thanks,
Andrea March
Hi Andrea!
I’ll let Chad respond to this on his own, but I’d also like to add that you should definitely contact the Bachelor of Arts, Architectural Studies Society (BAASS) – they tend to be active within design competitions.