Laura. Who is the woman behind those HD-wrap-around-goggles?
They say she’s a savant of gourmet cheeses and enjoys out-of-doors adventures with good friends aplenty. Maintaining a slight grip on her sanity, she can often be found running to class, laughing aloud alone on the streets (not manically – just as she reads funny messages on her oh-so-clever phone!) and touring the campus en pied (on foot?!), trying to get her bearings.
How active can one student be while maintaining a passing grade, eating healthy “ish” food and fitting in some face time on the ‘Book? Hopefully we’ll find out together!
Getting active on campus, checking out sweet ways to groove through university and having a super awesome time while doing so is the goal! Not to mention de-stressing and making new friends as perky perks of the experience! So just ask Laura, she might not know the best way but she’ll do her best anyways. How, you may ask? Empirical research of course!
Whoop, looking forward to this blog adventurous game with all of you. Keep it classy UofTonians.
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