One thing that has always been on my bucket list has been to travel across Europe. Practically however, I’ve decided I should get this whole “education thing” done first. So when my friend mentioned that she was applying for an…
When the Time is Right
I need to catch my breath! Just when I think life will slow down, I realize how wrong I am. If it’s not tests, essays or readings, it’s meetings, volunteering, events and the list goes on. In a perfect world,…
Reading, Writing, and Relaxation (They Can Go Together, I Promise)
When brainstorming ideas with the rest of the blog crew this week, we were discussing libraries and using academic resources. I made a joking comment that you could, hypothetically that is, actually get a book out for pleasure reading. The…
What’s the deal with “Open Access Week”?
Last week was Open Access Week (or OAweek as the hashtag goes), both at UofT and around the world. The UofT Libraries and the Scholarly Communications and Copyright Office were pretty big on pushing OAweek, but when I mentioned to the…
Getting ready to think about Grad School
As third year moves by at an alarming pace (it's already the end of October?? what??) I've started thinking about my future -- which, as many of you probably know, is the perfect way to send yourself into a spiral…
Staying Organized and Having Fun: a de-stressing strategy
Last week the rest of the crew posted about mental wellness and their posts were all super awesome. My mental wellness week post is a bit late but A for effort right? Wellness for me is about taking care of…
Total Test Result Turmoil – or how the Academic Success Center can save your neck
It’s that blessed time of year again – mid-terms. Or, for our friends in engineering or music, the time of year when students in every other Faculty get a small and terrifying glimpse into every week of their term, mid…
Holistic Living for a Busy Schedule
My head can really get spinning. With so much going on, including schoolwork, tests, classes, extracurriculars and events, things can get crazy. Stress is a part of university life especially during flip-out times like midterms. But stress is natural and…
Confessions of a Stress Queen
I've previously mentioned that I like to keep busy. I know it seems counterintuitive, but it keeps me at the top of my game! Throughout this year’s Mental Wellness month at U of T, the campaign has revolved around coping…
It’s all about the free stuff: some resources to keep you going
If you've been tuning in this week, you'll know that UofT has dedicated October to Mental Wellness Month, and we here at the Life@UofT blog are taking part by talking about our own experiences with stress and mental health. The hope…