I always hear it: "St. George campus is too difficult" or "UTSC is too much like a high school". Well, here it is! The uncensored perspectives of students who study at downtown St. George campus (UTSG) and Scarborough campus (UTSC),…
Arts Week, Next Week: uft haz artz o i didnt no
Have you been to 1 Spadina Crescent? I went once last year. On a random day. It looks ghostly from the outside, and I felt like an intruder (as it was particularly empty at the time). In first-year, part of…
“Uh, so what did I learn from humanities?” Mary gets a rock for Christmas
"So really, what's the point?" This is the question that creeps into my consciousness with frightening regularity. Particularly now that I'm finishing university and graduating with a specialist in history, without any palpable skills other than supposedly being able to…
A picture (or two), a flighty student, and a thousand words
It's easy for me to think of myself as being a little flighty. You could shack me up alone on an wooded island for a week, plunk me down in the middle of Calcutta, or place me in the dusty…
On the Chopping Block
When I heard about the upcoming Reading Week, you could imagine my relief. Somehow, February seems so busy, that Reading Week was the oasis in the desert – the opportunity to go home, hang out with my brothers, watch a…
Higher Learning and Low Rent
My mini fridge is an overachiever. Its ambition has rendered my grapefruit juice to slush, my milk to an ice block, my apples to icicles and my baba ganoush to a solid mass. I think it had dreams of being…
I iz in Montreal
You are sitting in on a comfy hotel couch in a classy classy city. - ACTIONS: >>> pee. you had too much tea at your uncle's house. - >>> rather, get up and pee. don't pee on the couch. -…
Are YOU getting some?
Sleep, I mean. (Chuckles to myself) This afternoon, realizing that I could resist it no more, I took a nap. Wrapped up in my huge comforter and feeling the coolness of my Egyptian cotton sheets against my skin, I realized…
A Deliciously Lethal Combination: Chocolate and Everything Else
Alrighty Valentiners... Here's my next post - Short, but sweet 🙂 With the impending Valentine's Day, authors and bloggers alike attempt to entice the public with stories ranging from how to get a date, how to keep your date, how…
UTGDDC: Game Making Deathmatch, and a Tribute to Randomness
I hope you like non-linear narrative GAME MAK- Ah. Before that, did I mention our 'in-house' game project this year? We're attempting to develop, or at least flesh out the ideas needed to develop, our own game within the club.…