It’s that blessed time of year again – mid-terms. Or, for our friends in engineering or music, the time of year when students in every other Faculty get a small and terrifying glimpse into every week of their term, mid…
Confessions of a Stress Queen
I've previously mentioned that I like to keep busy. I know it seems counterintuitive, but it keeps me at the top of my game! Throughout this year’s Mental Wellness month at U of T, the campaign has revolved around coping…
It’s all about the free stuff: some resources to keep you going
If you've been tuning in this week, you'll know that UofT has dedicated October to Mental Wellness Month, and we here at the Life@UofT blog are taking part by talking about our own experiences with stress and mental health. The hope…
Looking Ahead, and Choosing a Path
Dealing with your program can be stressful. Choosing your degree can be hardest. This question can be easy for some people, but asking yourself what degree you want can force you to ask bigger questions as well. For me, choosing…
Mythbusters: Teaching Assistant Edition.
Last week, we shared a moment about tutorials, and briefly mentioned that they are usually run by Teaching Assistants (TAs). What exactly a TA is can be elusive to most students, and I think it's important to spend a few minutes together…
Exploring Tutorials With[out] David Attenborough
Disclaimer: This blog post is in no way affiliated with David Attenborough. It's just way more fun if you read it in his voice. *** It's Friday, just before nine in the morning, and we're here in the wilderness of the University…
Here Comes The First University Assignment! A Story from Not-so-Long-Ago…
So it’s the first of October, which means your first essay/test/some other form of evaluation is near. Before you freak-out because you just realized a month of school has already passed, never fear: I will tell you a little story…
Take Note!: Exploring The Volunteer Note Taker Program at U of T
Imagine you’re in class. You can’t look at the board or PowerPoint screen, but you’re one of the few there who can’t. Then, while leading the lecture, your instructor says the following: “If this is less than this, you get…
Getting ready to study? There’s a map for that!
What is your earliest memory of UofT? In my last year of highschool, a family friend drove me to Toronto to show me around campus. When we arrived, he yanked my campus map from my hands: “Don't worry. I’ll point out the…
Denying Distraction: Turning Off Your Cellphone for Class
I am the first person to admit that I have a problem. More accurately, an addiction. My name is Rachael and I am addicted to my cell phone. Not in the unhealthy “I’m going to cry if my cell phone…