So this happened, and now I can laugh about it. (#laughUofT) It started with a stomach-ache on Thanksgiving Monday. I must have eaten too much mashed-potatoes and apple-crisp. But the pain lasted overnight, concentrating on the lower right side of…
Essay Writing Dos and Don’ts
Warning: Now entering Essay Alley, a two-month span of the academic year known for an increase in essay-related stress, anxiety, and all out no-good-not-niceness. Luckily, the unofficial U of T Essay Writing Dos and Don’ts is here to help. (Have…
Tackling Tutorial In An Arts Degree
I had my first tutorial session last week. Being in my final year of an arts degree, tutorials are nothing new to me, but they still can fill me with a certain amount of anxiety. It seems every year I…
What To Do, What To Do . . . Events at U of T
I had to return to Cambridge this weekend to help my dad bring in and stack firewood. It’s a yearly chore and it’s fine, because I love woodstove fires in the winter when I visit home. So I left on…
Working Those Work-Study Positions
Getting involved on campus can have you spending afternoons in ways you never thought you would. I have moved dozens of boxes of books at a college book sale, interviewed complete strangers in the Arbor Room for a blog, entered…
And So It Begins!
Well, the first week has been off to a good start, albeit a little bit hectic. (#firstdaystories How was your week?) It’s funny how things turn out, really. Here’s what happened to me: I have one course this semester. I…
Back to School . . . Finally
Finally, it’s back to school! (#firstdayjitters if you are feeling nervous!) My first day is not until Wednesday, but I sincerely feel for all of you Monday’ers. And I offer a nod of recognition to many Engineering students who went…
50 Shades of Frosh
Orientation week is a changing thing. Heraclitus would laugh at me, I’m sure, but it is intriguing to really experience the proverbial passage of time. To think that I am getting older, that I may be out of touch. For…
The Truth About TCards
So I had to replace my TCard. The little photograph of my face had turned into a blurred mess of white and blue. But visiting the TCard office at Robarts Library was an air-conditioned treat on a hot Monday afternoon…
A Part Time Job: Pros and Cons
Last Saturday I went to Hart House to work on a cover letter. A haven for the studious and the sleepy. When I discovered Hart House library in the second week of first year, I knew I was home. (#startUofT…