University is a challenging environment, especially with all the studying, Netflix-ing, and finding time to sleep. At times, I find myself so lost in all the chaos of life, trying to learn about 5 things at a time, that I…
How to Make Extra Money As A Student ???
Part of being a student is the inevitability of checking your bank account, hoping to have enough to make ends meet. While there are numerous opportunities to apply for grants, scholarships and loans, sometimes it’s just not enough. Toronto is…
Talk to your profs: Beyond the course
I’m in my third year now and I don’t know if the existential crisis has hit you yet but it’s been pretty real for me. It’s terrifying to think about how we’re going to be out of this routine soon.…
Just Shoot Your Shot
When I look at my first-year self, I realize that I have changed quite a lot. I am a lot more open and confident with my capabilities and what I want to achieve. As well, I have learned to take…
Summer Job Hunting? Already?
First-year me, like most people, I’m sure, was a little confused and lost at all times. Whether it was finding my way to class, picking a major, or even finding a study room in the many maze-like basements of Gerstein…
Next Steps
So, you’ve made it to university. Now what? Many of us, especially soon-to-be graduates, are always asked that one question that may or may not induce a quarter-life crisis: “What are your plans after graduation?” This comes in many forms.…
Starting Fresh
The new year is in full swing and we’re just past the point where we can successfully write 2018 on our notes on the first try. No matter how cliché it sounds the new year is a great time to…
Using Rewards to Motivate Your Studying
Finals are approaching, and this is the moment when ultimate procrastination kicks in. I know I need to study, yet I end up with the urge to watch YouTube rather than review lecture slides. Does anyone else feel like they…
CCP Exclusive: Exploring inside Musical Minds
Pam-Voice & Piano Instructor/Co-founder I recently had the pleasure to engage in a conversation with one of the Centre for Community Partners Grant recipients-Musical Minds Outreach Program (MMOP). Zahra, one of MMOP's founder and current executive director for the program was…
Pros and Cons of taking a gap year
I’m still deciding on what exactly it is I want to do with my life- as I’m sure most of you are as well. In high school, I knew which subjects I cared most about- but not what I was…