Ripley being awesome! Do you remember that scene in Aliens when Ripley climbed into that robotic armor and kicked serious butt? I do. For her, the technology made her stronger. It allowed her to extend her reach, it increased her strength,…
Stone Cold Extensions…
Alas my friends I have fallen ill with the dreaded March head cold. There could be no worse time of the year to contract this virulent pestilence that renders my brain nothing more than a cloudy, congested dome of confusion.…
The Numbers Game
I often hear myself telling friends that university is a numbers game. Some weeks it is simply impossible to finish all the required readings and assignments. Often, we're forced to choose one task over another. The equations and ratios that are…
It’s Crunch Time!
It's crunch time! I mean that literally because I have a twenty page paper due in a few days that is still in the midst of being born from my mind. I also mean that figuratively because during what has…
Once upon a time…
Once upon a time there was a girl who couldn't decide what she wanted to be when she grew up. As she got older, she felt compelled to enroll in a post-secondary institution for no reason other than: everyone else her age…
Book vs. Film
So reading week is upon us and I am buried in course readings. I had planned to buckle down and start reading a few days ago, but alas I procrastinated and started to late. Realizing that I would have to…
How the snow thawed my brain…
I have a whole lot of stuff due this week and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Speaking of icebergs… This weekend I had a ridiculous amount of work due, but I still managed to find time to for…
Where did I put my dunce cap?
Have you ever been told something and in that exact moment you are wondering how it is possible that you ever lacked this information. You wonder if you really did in fact know this information. You convince yourself that you…
Basket weaving, Vikings, and Birds…
So you’re staring out your window day dreaming, while you’re supposed to be writing a fifteen page essay about the history of conscription in Canada and you see a cardinal…true story (see photo below) and you think to yourself, “I…
Practical life skills at University?
It always surprises me when I learn a practical life skill in class. Does that sound anti-academic? I don't mean it to. A lot of the knowledge I gain from my classes is interesting and it usually helps me to…