Do you have a great new idea for a blog? Consider writing for Life at U of T as a guest blogger to share your experience to help U of T students!
- You must be a current student at the University of Toronto.
- Blog post must be no longer than 500 words.
- Blog post should focus on individual experiences, rather than general advice, and therefore should be written in the first person.
- Blog post must be written by you and not published anywhere else.
- Blog post should include a brief bio of 1-2 sentences at the beginning of your post (name, pronouns, year and program of study).
- Blog posts are subject to editing by Student Life Staff.
- Student Life reserves the right not to publish a post that does not meet our blog standards.
- Images must be provided, and proper permissions must be obtained. (i.e: obtaining consent of people in photographs, obtaining written permission to use images that aren't yours, and giving credit to the original creator)
- Any facts or resources included in the blog post must be accurate and references must be properly cited.
- Opportunities for guest blogs are limited, and students with unique stories will take preference. Students who are members of Indigenous, Black, racialized and 2SLGBTQ+ communities, persons with disabilities, and other equity deserving groups are encouraged to send in submissions.
- Blog topic can be of your choice, although, sometimes we may request a specific theme. Keep an eye out on our social media channels for call-outs. Please email us your pitch to confirm your eligibility and topic before writing your blog post.
Submitting Pitches
Please send in a brief pitch outlining your blog topic to This pitch should describe what you plan to write about, and why it is a good fit for our blog. Check out our blog posts to get a feel for our voice and content.
If you meet the above criteria, we will contact you with a deadline for the article. As we receive a high volume of submissions, please allow two to three weeks to hear back from us.
Thank you for your interest in writing for Life at U of T!