Midterm season is upon us and per usual most of us find ourselves drowning in assignments and tests and essays. It feels like classes started just yesterday and yet here we are, a good month into the term, facing our first midterm season and inevitably struggling to keep up with so many competing deadlines. With all of this happening, it becomes extremely difficult to take care of our health- both physical and mental. Students facing burnout, being unable to keep up with deadlines, being unable to meet routine needs such as eating three meals a day, sleeping a sufficient amount of time etc are all the common symptoms of midterm season. And it is in times like these that taking care of our mental health becomes all the more important. University of Toronto provides several resources to this end that are especially tailored for students dealing with the stress of midterm season and those facing academic burnout. For students looking to access these services, U of T Telus Health Student Support (formerly U of T My SSP) provides counselling support to students who reside out of province/country. For those in Ontario, there are a host of services available including group therapy, single session counselling, short term counselling etc. Stepping away from books to take a break can be a great destressor and the Centre for Community Partnerships provides some amazing resources to get involved such as the Waste Reduction Challenge coming up Oct. 29 - Nov. 12th, Social Action Pop-ups, and Alternative Reading Week to name a few. This would be the perfect opportunity for students to give back to the community while de-stressing and taking a break.
In addition, it is important for students to be aware of their academic rights and instructor obligations. In case of a test conflict, the student must email the concerned course coordinators and inform them of the same at the earliest. An alternate sitting time or some other resolution will be arranged and the student should be informed of the same prior to the test. In case of a missed test, students must declare their absence on Acorn and notify their instructors of the same. Accessibility services help students with disabilities who find their academic performance hindered due to the said disability by providing accommodations which are meted out on a case by case basis. The disabilities are not just physical, but extend to mental health issues as well. Students who do not have a documented disability, but suspect that they might be facing a mental health issue that is impairing their work are encouraged to apply for accommodations. As noted earlier, accommodations will be meted out on a case-by-case basis.
As a fellow student, who is most unlikely to take their own advice, I request and implore everyone to take care of their mental and physical health this midterm season. Take a break and step out for some fresh air to keep yourself motivated and prevent burnout. For more
Wishing everyone the very best of luck for their upcoming tests. Stay safe!
For more information regarding student, rights visit the Arts and Science Students’ Union(ASSU) social media pages and website.
For access to mental health resources
For more information on accessibility services
For more information on Centre for Community Partnerships
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