As the academic year winds down, I have been reflecting on the highs and lows of this year. Something that I was thinking about the other day was that I have enjoyed and truly loved almost all the courses I have taken this year -- something which is surprising for me as I had spent much of first and second year complaining about all the arduous labs I had to complete, or the endless amounts of readings I had no interest in even touching. Perhaps this new excitement I felt for my courses this year lead to my grades improving as well.
This week, I thought I’d share some my experiences from my favourite classes so far at U of T. Perhaps, it will not only give you ideas of classes to take next year but will hopefully inspire you to reflect on the highlights of your academic experience so far as well!
CHM 135 Introduction to Physical Chemistry
Okay, I know what the Life Sci students are thinking right now. Yes, I actually enjoyed introductory physical chemistry. I know most people absolutely hate first-year chemistry courses -- they are usually tough, require a lot of time commitment, and consist of long laboratory sessions. However, although CHM135 was tough, I really enjoyed all the concepts taught in that course and genuinely enjoyed studying for the course.
MUS 306 North American Popular Music
This course was probably the most fun I have ever had in a class. The course provided an overview of the history of popular music in North America, which so fascinating to learn about! Classes consisted of listening to the Beatles and Justin Bieber, while the major assignment consisted of attending a concert!
POL 101 Introduction to Political Science
I started my undergraduate degree as a life sciences student, but it was this class that sparked my interest in Political Science. As a result, I am now also pursuing a major in in it! I recommend this class for anyone wanting an introduction to the basics of Political Science even if you aren’t a social science student.
HMB323 Global Health Research
Through this course, if you remember from a recent article, I was able to participate in an International Course Module in Athens, Greece! Not only was that trip an amazing experience, but the course itself is enjoyable and informative. As a Global Health student, it has taught me important lessons about research and ethics -- I recommend it to anyone students interested in research relating to any aspect of health!
PSL301 Introduction to Physiology
This was definitely one of the most difficult and content heavy courses I have taken at U of T. However, because I really enjoyed the content and genuinely looked forward to learning about the topics ranging from the respiratory system, the heart as well as the digestive system, I did well despite the difficulty of the course. I’m sure all Life Science students will eventually take this course so my biggest tip will be to attend all lectures, and keep on top of reviewing notes!
What are your favorite courses at UofT? Comment below!

torn between CHM151 and UNI101. In CHM151 we made raspberry powered solar cells and in UNI101 we walked all over Toronto and even had a drag-queen as a guest lecturer ?
That sounds so amazing!
I will second PSL301! So so fascinating, and HMB323 was a blast too!
#HMBICM2018 :’)