Yours in Pharmacy.

It's hard to believe that this is my last post as your Professional Faculties Blogger. I thoroughly enjoyed sharing the many experiences that I had within the Faculty of Pharmacy as well as showcasing the other professional faculties here at U of T. I hope, as a reader, you gained valuable insight into the many opportunities that exist beyond your undergraduate studies.
Feels like yesterday when I was stepping inside the Pharmacy Building as a first year student!

For me, a new adventure awaits as I’ll be starting my clinical rotations in May and they will continue throughout my fourth year. It is sometimes difficult to accept the reality that these will be my last days where I will be frequenting the campus. The change of scenery will be unfamiliar but welcoming. I’ve spent many years at U of T, 7 in total, between the Mississauga and St. George campuses. The idea of spending my days outside of the lecture hall without the expectation of reconvening back at school come September seems feels unusual, to say the least. I frequently ask myself, am I ready? The flexibility of student life will soon be replaced with rigid working hours. The luxury of just knowing the material for the test is replaced with the expectation that you’ll know the answer immediately when asked. It is apparent that the change in pace will be different and the expectations greater. However, I ultimately see my clinical placements as a legitimate step towards practising in my career and stripping away from the identity of a student. It is an opportunity to apply what I’ve learned in school into practice. I humbly accept the challenges that I will undoubtedly face. For it is in these moments that I’ll acknowledge my shortcomings, and strive towards developing my knowledge. As many attest, the learning that occurs outside of the classroom is invaluable.

So although it is bittersweet to bid farewell to the familiarity of student life, I welcome the opportunity to emerge myself in the profession, in the pursuit to evolve into a pharmacist. For all my readers, I wish you best of luck in your endeavours! Yours in Pharmacy, Sandra

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