A past blogger has probably mentioned this already but just to be sure I want to start off by explaining that each blogger here on the Student Life Community Crew actually represent different programs and areas at the University of Toronto. We, therefore, represent different faculties and organizations on campus. I blog on behalf of First Nations House at U of T because I am an Aboriginal student, an Aboriginal studies minor and spend a fair amount of time at First Nations House. I enjoy spending time at First Nations House, but each year I find myself explaining what exactly First Nations House (or FNH for short) is and where it is located on campus. Unfortunately, not everybody knows that it even exists and they have never heard of it before at all (shame!).
FNH is located in the North Borden Building at 563 Spadina Avenue next to the Multi-Faith Centre. FNH represents a home for Aboriginal students as well as the Aboriginal studies department. Over the past two decades the Aboriginal population here at U of T has expanded enormously. Currently there are over 500 Aboriginal students enrolled on campus. It is important to note though that FNH is not solely for Aboriginal students. We welcome all students and non-students here at U of T to come and join in on our various programming.
As a result, now and then you will see me posting on events and programming relating to FNH and the Aboriginal community here in the city at large!
This month we have a couple of great events happening to kick off the school year:
October 11th Fall Feast
Throughout the year FNH provides a weekly friday lunch cooked on location. It is a great way to come and get to know other students and have a conversation or two over a free meal. Next Friday we will be hosting a much larger potluck at 12pm or as we call it the Fall Feast.
Imaginative Film Festival
The Imaginative Film Festival runs from Oct 16-20th. It promotes Indigenous Film and Media arts. Not only does it have a great reputation for the past 14 years but it also offers wicked discounts to students. Some of the screenings are free, and others range between $5-$7. Did I mention they all are screened at the amazing TIFF Bell Lightbox? Check it all out here http://imaginenative.org/festival/
Indigenous Writers Gathering
This is a two day gathering during the last week of October consisting of various events and presentations by Indigenous authors and writers. I'll have more information on this event in my next post
So there you have it, a quick update on some Aboriginal events happening this month. A lot of courses taken at U of T require extra curricular events. I can personally say that many events offered through FNH have helped me in that areas as well. So don't be afraid to get out there and check some these out soon.

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