Hello bloggies!
I hope you enjoyed your holidays!
I feel like I haven’t posted since last year. (Ha, see what I did there?) I’ve spent the past few days trying to actively pull myself out of Holiday Mode (somewhat unsuccessfully I may add). I’m not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions because I forget what I resolved to do come January the 2
nd. But in an attempt to remind myself that I can’t lie in bed forever, I wrote up a list of goals that I probably will/might/probably-won’t-but-like-to-tell-myself-I-will accomplish this year:
Express my appreciation to family and friends: We live in a fast-paced world and it seems that saying “thank you” has become underrated. And so, despite having a “Go! Go! Go!” mentality, I want to spend 2013 slowing down and smelling the roses.
Try new things: I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I don’t like change. I prefer predictability. I’m used to ordering the same thing at a restaurant, shopping at the same stores, and watching the same shows. Needless to say, my world can get somewhat repetitive and uninteresting. In 2013, I am determined to try the strangest dish on the menu the next time I go out. Or shop at the small vintage clothing store between the bank and the bakery. Or watch the slightly questionable T.V. show that all my friends are crazy about. I’ll mention the new things I try in a follow-up post! Stay tuned!

3) Get my G2…finally: I realize that most 20-year olds have a driver’s license by now. But I have an excuse, I promise! When I was 16, the “I can finally drive now” realization didn’t hit me as hard as it hit some of my friends. And when I entered university, the subway was more practical than a car, so it became very easy to put off my driving test. But it’s probably time to get on that.

Watch a football game: A friend of mine is football-obsessed. Truly. He actually schedules his classes according to game timings. (I know!) He’s been begging me to watch a game since I’ve met him. And because I’m athletically-challenged, I’ve been avoiding it as long as I possibly can. But sitting through a game would be the perfect way to achieve Goals 1 and 2 (see above). So I hereby decree that I will
force myself to watch
22 sweaty men chasing an inanimate object football at least once this year ;-). If I’m honest, though, this is one of the goals that I probably-won’t-but-like-to-tell-myself-I-will accomplish in 2013.
Complete all readings for my courses in the week that they are assigned: Seems like the easiest way to avoid procrastination, right?
Fit in fitness: Have you ever noticed that laziness gives rise to more laziness? I always seem to get more accomplished when I am swamped. I recently found a mobile app called MyFitnessPal that calculates your caloric intake based on food choices and activity level (
http://www.myfitnesspal.com/). I’m planning on using it to track my diet and exercise. It’s not about losing weight. I’m just hoping that keeping a “Fitness Journal” of sorts will reduce the amount of junk food I eat! Maybe adding regular exercise/fitness to my schedule will increase my productivity ten-fold! Wouldn’t that be lovely?
Looking at my list, I’m proud to say that many of my goals seem doable and realistic. I might actually achieve them! If I do, I’ll let you know. And if I don’t, please remind me!
Good luck with your goals this semester! I hope 2013 is your best year yet!
Till next week,
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